
کتاب Concurrency in Go: Tools and Techniques for Developers

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ویژگی های محصول
  • تعداد صفحه: 236
  • زبان:انگلیسی
  • ویرایش اول
  • تاریخ انتشار:September 5, 2017

شما هم فروشنده شوید

  • تاریخ عضویت:1399-12-10
  • استان: آذربایجان شرقی
  • شهر: تبریز
  • تعداد کالای فروشنده: 3566
  • موجودی این کالا: 10
170,000 تومان
افزودن به سبد خرید
ویژگی های محصول
  • وزن: 402 گرم
  • سایز: 17.8*1.3*23.1
  • جنس: کتاب
  • دوام: کیفیت چاپ بالا

ارسال کتاب های زبان اصلی در بازه 8 الی 12 روزه انجام مشود.
Concurrency in Go: Tools and Techniques for Developers

by Katherine Cox-Buday (Author)
Concurrency can be notoriously difficult to get right, but fortunately, the Go open source programming language makes working with concurrency tractable and even easy. If youâ??re a developer familiar with Go, this practical book demonstrates best practices and patterns to help you incorporate concurrency into your systems.

Author Katherine Cox-Buday takes you step-by-step through the process. Youâ??ll understand how Go chooses to model concurrency, what issues arise from this model, and how you can compose primitives within this model to solve problems. Learn the skills and tooling you need to confidently write and implement concurrent systems of any size.

Understand how Go addresses fundamental problems that make concurrency difficult to do correctly
Learn the key differences between concurrency and parallelism
Dig into the syntax of Goâ??s memory synchronization primitives
Form patterns with these primitives to write maintainable concurrent code
Compose patterns into a series of practices that enable you to write large, distributed systems that scale
Learn the sophistication behind goroutines and how Goâ??s runtime stitches everything together Author Katherine Cox-Buday takes you step-by-step through the process. Youâ??ll understand how Go chooses to model concurrency, what issues arise from this model, and how you can compose primitives within this model to solve problems. Learn the skills and tooling you need to confidently write and implement concurrent systems of any size.

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محصولات مرتبط

محصولات دیگر این فروشنده

  • تاریخ عضویت:1399-12-10
  • استان: آذربایجان شرقی
  • شهر: تبریز
  • تعداد کالای فروشنده: 3566
  • موجودی این کالا: 10
170,000 تومان
افزودن به سبد خرید
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