
کتاب Business Process Change, 4th Edition

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ویژگی های محصول
  • تعداد صفحه: 534
  • زبان:انگلیسی
  • ویرایش چهارم
  • تاریخ انتشار:(April 3, 2019)

شما هم فروشنده شوید

  • تاریخ عضویت:1399-12-10
  • استان: آذربایجان شرقی
  • شهر: تبریز
  • تعداد کالای فروشنده: 3570
  • موجودی این کالا: 10
420,000 تومان
افزودن به سبد خرید
ویژگی های محصول
  • وزن: 1070 گرم
  • سایز: 18.8*2.5*23.4
  • جنس: کتاب
  • دوام: کیفیت چاپ بالا

ارسال کتاب های زبان اصلی در بازه ی 8 الی 12 روزه انجام میشود.
Business Process Change, ۴th Edition

by Paul Harmon (Author)
Business Process Change: A Business Process Management Guide for Managers and Process Professionals, Fourth Edition, provides a balanced view of the field of business process change. Bestselling author and renowned expert in the field Paul Harmon offers concepts, methods, cases for all aspects, and phases of successful business process improvement. Students and professionals alike will benefit from the comprehensive coverage and customizable, integrated approach to broad business process management that focuses on improving efficiency and productivity. In this updated Edition, particular attention is paid to the impact of disruptive technology on business and the need for agile transformation.
About the Author
Paul Harmon is a cofounder and executive editor at Business Process Trends, an internationally popular website that provides a variety of free articles, columns, surveys and book reviews each month on trends, directions, and best practices in business process management. He is also a cofounder, chief methodologist, and principal consultant of BPTrends Associates, a professional services company providing executive education, training, and consulting services for organizations interested in understanding and implementing business process management. At the same time Mr. Harmon serves as a Senior Consultant for AI with Cutter Consortium.

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محصولات مرتبط

محصولات دیگر این فروشنده

  • تاریخ عضویت:1399-12-10
  • استان: آذربایجان شرقی
  • شهر: تبریز
  • تعداد کالای فروشنده: 3570
  • موجودی این کالا: 10
420,000 تومان
افزودن به سبد خرید
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